Reconstructing the world’s oldest ship replica proving that the Phoenicians had the technology to cross the Atlantic 600 years before Christ.
The Phoenician Ship Expedition, led by Philip Beale, recreated a 6th-century BC Phoenician voyage using a replica ship. Departing from Syria in 2008, it sailed through the Suez Canal, around the Horn of Africa, along the west coast of Africa, through the Strait of Gibraltar, and across the Mediterranean before returning to Syria. In 2019, the ship sailed to America and landed in Florida. Both journeys aimed to demonstrate the seaworthiness of ancient Phoenician ships. The vessel, Phoenicia, modeled after the 2600-year-old Jules Verne 7, sailed 30,000 miles, proving ancient seafaring capabilities. Due to circumstances, the ship needs reconstruction. The replica ship's components were shipped to Montrose, Iowa, where it is being reconstructed. (see more)
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The proceeds from sales go towards reconstructing the Phoenician ship replica and our research efforts
We are a small group of volunteers with limited resources working on a large project. We are looking for like-minded people who embrace historic truth wherever it is found. Come and dedicate a day or two with your families to reconstruct the oldest ship replica in the New World.
With your helping hands, you will participate in restoring 40 tons of handcrafted timbers that faithfully replicate the design of the Jules Verne 7 Shipwreck. This 2,600-year-old wreck in AD 1993 came out of the low oxygen mud of the Port of Marseilles in the Western Mediterranean Sea.