The Jaredite Plates: An Ancient Record Unearthed


During their quest to find Zarahemla, the people of Limhi stumbled upon a significant find: 24 gold plates in the land of Desolation, an ancient Jaredite territory.

  • Reference: Mosiah 8:7-9


These plates, known as the Book of Ether, chronicle the history of the Jaredites from the time of the Tower of Babel to the downfall of their civilization.

  • Reference: Ether 1:1-5


King Mosiah II translated the plates using the Urim and Thummim, sacred instruments provided by God for interpreting ancient texts.

  • Reference: Mosiah 28:11-19

The Urim and Thummim:

  • Description: These divine tools, described as "interpreters" or "translators," consist of two stones set in a bow, resembling spectacles. They were given to prophets for receiving divine revelations and translating languages.

  • Function: Prophets, including King Mosiah II, used the Urim and Thummim to translate the Jaredite plates, converting the records into their own language.

  • Scriptural References: Mosiah 8:13, Mosiah 28:13-16

Key Figures and Groups in the Narrative


  • Overview: This ancient civilization began at the time of the Tower of Babel and was led to the Americas by the prophet Jared and his brother (Mahonri Moriancumr).

  • Key Individuals: Jared and the Brother of Jared

  • Reference: Ether 1:33-43


  • Overview: Descendants of Nephi, who fled Jerusalem around 600 B.C. and established a civilization in the Americas.

  • Key Individuals: Nephi, Mosiah I, Mosiah II, Alma the Younger, Nephihah

  • References:

    • Nephi: 1 Nephi 1:1

    • Mosiah I: Omni 1:12-19

    • Mosiah II: Mosiah 29

    • Alma the Younger: Mosiah 27:8-37, Alma 1-4

    • Nephihah: Alma 4:17-20


  • Overview: Descendants of Laman, Nephi's elder brother, who frequently opposed the Nephites.

  • Reference: 1 Nephi 12:23

Mulekites (People of Zarahemla):

  • Overview: Descendants of Mulek, a son of King Zedekiah of Judah, who escaped the Babylonian conquest and settled in the Americas.

  • Key Individuals: Mulek, King Zarahemla

  • Reference: Omni 1:14-19

Transition of Leadership After Mosiah II

Alma the Younger:

  • Role: Became the first chief judge and high priest over the church, combining spiritual and political leadership.

  • References: Mosiah 29:42, Alma 1-4


  • Role: Appointed by Alma the Younger as the second chief judge to focus on temporal governance while Alma concentrated on spiritual duties.

  • References: Alma 4:17-20


The Jaredite Plates, discovered by the people of Limhi and translated by King Mosiah II using the Urim and Thummim, provide a window into an ancient civilization's history. Key groups involved include the Jaredites, Nephites, Lamanites, and Mulekites. The transition of Nephite leadership from kings to a system of judges, led by Alma the Younger and Nephihah, marks a significant shift in governance.

This rich narrative offers a comprehensive understanding of the key figures, groups, and events in the Book of Mormon's account of the Jaredite records and the Nephite leadership transition.


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